Open RAN Test & Assurance
Safely accelerate adoption and deliver on the expected cost and innovation benefits of Open RAN
Safely Accelerate Open RAN Adoption
We stand behind your promise to adopt Open RAN’s disaggregated architecture and open interfaces to diversify your ecosystem of interchangeable RAN vendors – so you can lower costs and innovate faster.
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Putting ORAN to the Test
Hear from Spirent VP of Product Management, James Kimery, as he gives an overview of Open RAN’s architecture, explains the challenges it brings and discusses new testing strategies to address these.
The Future of Open RAN
Join Appledore principal analyst, Francis Haysom, and Spirent 5G strategic lead, Stephen Douglas, as they explore the future of Open RAN and the new testing techniques that are critical to deliver on it’s promise.
Open RAN Blog Series
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Devices + Services Testing
Mobile Network Testing
Cloud Testing
Service Assurance
Timing and Synchronization Testing
Open RAN
Learn how our solutions for Open RAN could benefit your business.